Thursday, June 19, 2008


"How can I forgive someone who has hurt me? How can I love someone who is my enemy? Can I just overlook it and let the healing begin? It's unlike me, but it's just like Him.
How can I forgive the past and just start all over? How can I forget my scars and pour in the myrh? Is it really like me to make my enemy my friend? It's unlike me, but it's just like Him.
From the cross He said forgive them, for they know not what they do. When he said "It is finished" He made that possible for you. Calvary is where the hatred ends and forgiveness begins. It's unlike me, but it's just like Him."
-The Isaacs
Wow! What a song! This song spoke to my heart so much recently. For a while I had a hard time being around certain people at school because of some things they had said. And for a while I was angry in my heart toward people because of how they treated my family or friends. One day, my friend, Amy, gave me a CD with this song on it and I just started crying. It was exactly what I needed to hear.
How many times do we get angry with someone over something so silly. Sometimes, it's different, and there really is a lot of hurt and someone really did wrong us. But think of all the wrong that was done to Jesus. Has anything like that ever happened to us? No, probably not. Yet, he said "Forgive them." He knew what it was like to be betrayed, lied about, abused, made fun of, and forsaken. And we are constantly saying "What would Jesus do?" Well, what DID he do? He forgave. He had compassion and love for those people. We should do the same.
So, someone said something mean about me or lied about me... I forgive. When someone hurts me... I forgive.
After all... Let me not forget the great debt I have been forgiven, nor how much the Lord chooses to forgive me each day. (Read Matt 18:21-35)
Thanks for reading today! :)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Well written! Thanks for the reminder Jen.
Love, Mom