Friday, July 25, 2008

Just some good stuff:

"Why is it that we have more faith that the pieces of a puzzle made by a company in Taiwan will all fit together than we have that the pieces of our life that are presented to us by God will fit together? One person chooses to put like pieces together first, while another chooses to put the edges of the puzzle together first, but neither individual ever really doubts that the puzzle will somehow fit perfectly. The edges in and of themselves probably have little to do with the main image or idea of the puzzle, yet without it, the puzzle is incomplete. In fact, although these pieces appear to have little to do with the main idea or image, they are nonetheless as important to the puzzle's completion. In the beginning some pieces, even when they fit perfectly together, might not help you to understand what the puzzle is about; only in its completion can you appreciate the parts that at first seemed insignificant and pointless." - James Blanchard Cisneros

"Trust God or worry. Those are the two choices you have in every situation. Trust God and be at peace. Worry and experience stress. Your choices are that simple and you will make your life as peaceful or stressful as you choose to make it." James Blanchard Cisneros

"You find no difficulty in trusting the Lord with the management of the universe, and all the outward creation, and can your case be any more complex or difficult than these, that you need to be anxious or troubled about His management of you? Hannah Whitehall Smith


Anonymous said...

Hello, my name is Elisabeth and I'm the daughter of Pastor Todd best friend (michaila) told me about your blog. :) I'm thinkin' about coming to Heartland for college, but I'm only a sophemore, so I have a little time. :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent quote Jenny! I love the puzzle idea. What a great lesson idea!
