Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dedicated to my best friends!

Hey all! Sorry, this one is a little long but I wanted to talk about my good friends.
I just wanted to encourage you today to make sure you have good godly friends! Looking back on some of the most ridiculous choices I made in life so far, I would have to say most of them were made because of the influence of a "friend". Not that I am not responsible for my own actions, but I was certainly influenced in the wrong direction many times by the friends I chose. When I was 15, I went through quite the stage of rebellion. I did a lot of things wrong. I hurt my parents so much and I honestly, hurt myself too mostly by messing up my testimony and making memories that are stuck in my head forever. It would keep us from making so many mistakes if we would just stop and think about #1- how it will affect our future, #2- how it will affect others (cuz it will!) and #3- how it will affect our testimony. If we will just think about this when making even the smallest choice (for instance- what to say when we smash our finger...) then we would maybe choose the right thing instead. The price of sin is much too high not to weigh the consequences. ANYWAYS... When I was in rebellion, do you think I chose to hang out with the good godly kids at school? No. I chose to be around people who were like me. Birds of a feather flock together- that is absolutely true! You are what your friends are or you soon will be what your friends are. Wow... now stop and think about your friends.
I have some of the BEST friends in the whole wide world right now. My bestest (yeah, I know, it's meant to be spelled that way) friend's name is Amy and she is amazing! I love her to death. Just today, I needed someone to talk to cuz I was struggling with something so I called her up. (just like I did yesterday when I was feeling discouraged) Well, she didn't answer but I left her a message explaining the whole situation and she called back while I was at work and left me a message that made me laugh and then just about made me cry, throwing in scripture and godly advice and assuring me that she loved me and was praying for me. Everyone needs a friend like that! She has been there for me when I needed to cry my eyes out or just talk about anything and she has always known just what to say or when to say nothing. She tells it to me like it is; never sugar coats it, which is important. And she can ALWAYS make me laugh! That's why she is my best friend! ( I will have to add a picture later) We go to college together and hopefully will be roommates next year! I'm so excited!
One of my other bestest friend's name is Rachel. She is the goofiest girl I have ever met, and to be totally honest, I wasn't sure how to handle her when I first met her. But after you spend a little time with her you realize that she has a huge heart and I guarantee she can make ANYONE laugh in a matter of seconds! She is who I go to when I need to talk (cuz she's a great listener) and then I need to laugh. I laugh harder with that girl than I ever have at any other time! On top of all that humor, she is so very generous and giving and is gaining so much godly wisdom at college. I know the Lord will use her life in a big way. I love her to death! She is such a blessing. Everyone needs a friend like her too! (pic promised later)
I have another great friend who I was roommates with last year named Kimi. She is crazy and fun and we can have fun doing even nothing. We have drifted apart just a little bit recently but I would still say that she was one of the best friends I have ever had. We spent like 24/7 together my freshmen year in college. She is so much fun.
Then there is my childhood best friend whom I still keep in contact with but not very good, Holly. She and I were inseperable from the ages of 9-14. If you found Holly then you would find Jenny. She and I always had SO much fun together. We would spend every weekend at each other's houses and stay up all night just talking and watching movies and being goofy. She was always someone who understood me and I could always be my silly self around her and never be afraid that she would think I was stupid. I could be braver when she was around cuz I knew she would "have my back". She still never forgets my birthday. That's a true friend right there. I'll never forget her and all the crazy memories we share and I love her little girl, Leah. She is such a cutie!
I have a couple other good friends who I have drifted apart from over the last couple years but they both made such an impact on my life and I still hold them so dear in my heart. One is a girl who is a couple years younger than me actually but she was a great influence on me. Her name is Nikki and she is probably the sweetest girl I know! She taught me a lot (even though she is younger) about love and compassion and thinking before I speak! She became my best friend during my junior and senior year in high school and we had so much fun together eating sonic and watching scary movies. She is a godly young lady and a great friend and I miss her so much!
The other one is my youth pastor's wife from Arkansas, Mrs. Abby. She was actually only a few years older than me and we became really close. I still had much respect for her as my youth pastor's wife but we were also close friends. She and her husband (my youth pastor, Bro. Claud) made a huge impact on my life. I would not be where I am today without their guidance and leadership and example. For any teen girls that might be reading this- befriend your youth pastor's wife or pastor's wife. They can teach you so much and may be the best friend you could ask for.
Last but not least- every girl should make her mom one of her best friends. My mom and I have had our differences and still do every once in a while but we have a close relationship and I consider her one of my best friends. My mom is the one and only person who will always love me no matter what I do and my mom knows me better than anyone else and she can usually tell me even why I am feeling a certain way. We haven't always been as close as we are now and I regret that but I am so thankful for her and for our relationship now. She has been there for me and listened to me gripe about backstabbing people and cry my eyes out over the phone about homesickness or a guy. One thing that is very special to me is when she sends me mail while I'm at college. She sends me packages and cards and McDonald's gift cards that say "the sun will come out tomorrow" on it. lol Those are special and she always sends encouragement right when I need it. Now that's a mom and a friend!
Every person needs good godly friends like mine! They will laugh with you and cry with you. They will lift you up with Bible advice and a joke or just listen. They will sit in the hall with you and wipe the mascara away while handing you a Dr.pepper. Then drag you to the car without saying a word and take you to get chocolate ice cream just to make you feel better. lol They will let you bawl your eyes out and blubber and cry on the phone even though they can't understand what you're saying cuz they know it will make you feel better to just get it out. They are absolutely priceless and so are the memories we make! I hope this made you thankful for your friends or encouraged you to find some friends like this. Sorry it's so long but I love my friends! They can make you or break you!


Tammy said...

I love you Jen!

Amy said...

Olive Juice! You are such an encouragement to me. Your site is awesome :) Talk to you soon. Always praying for you, Sassy.
-Amy (Sissy)