Saturday, December 27, 2008

What do you expect?

Dad preached a great sermon Wednesday night. He preached about making room for Jesus. Something he merely mentioned really was a revelation to me. He said we can't expect the world to act like Christians... they are without Christ. We can't expect much more out of them than what we are seeing. Especially when most Christians don't even act like Christians.
I get so frustrated with the way people are sometimes and I think it affects my compassion. But what else do I expect from people without Christ? The only good that is in me is of Him and they don't have Him. If I don't like the way they are, instead of getting angry with them and frustrated, maybe I should be giving them the gospel to try to help them.
Just a short thought today. Meditate on that. I'm gonna try to.


Calvary said...

I agree.... I'll keep that in mind! Great post, Jen.

Tammy said...

so true.