Saturday, September 6, 2008

A fresh start with excitment!

I'm really excited about school this year! My friends and I are trying to be involved in as many ministries as possible this year since we have spent the last couple years being distracted. I feel like I'm getting a new start and another chance. It's been amazing how the Lord has weeded out problems and distractions in my life (sometimes in ways that hurt me a little... but the Lord always knows what he is doing and it's for my Good and His Glory)
We are involved in the Bus ministry and visitation and also Friday night street preaching. We also help with Neighborhood Bible time, which is a big carnival they have to reach the kids on a selected bus each month. It's an awesome ministry. We have seen many kids saved and TONS start riding or be more faithful to riding that bus. I'm really excited about all of it.
I'm thrilled about my classes too. I have learned a lot the last couple of years in my 'Bible' classes but this year I get to start learning about how to actually teach little kids math and science and art and English. I really cannot wait to be a teacher (assuming that is what the Lord has for me)!!!!
The one thing I wanted to talk about for a minute tonight is the limitations of distractions. I'm going to use a boyfriend for my example because that's what it was for me...
I feel sooooo free this year! Last year I got caught up in a relationship that I thought could be "The one". As it turns out, sometimes people are not who you think they are. So be very slow and careful with who you give your heart to! (just a side-note :)) It didn't work out and now I look back on the whole year and wish I would have spent more time getting involved in ministries and meeting new people and making godly friends and actually trying my best at school work. Not worrying about a guy who wasn't God's will. It kept me from applying myself in school, getting involved in more ministries, and made me neglect some friendships. It also caused me to mess up my testimony. We never did anything WRONG but we didn't do a whole lot right either. People noticed that we spent way too much time together and that I was neglecting other responsibilites as well as having an attitude about some things.
Since I don't have that distraction this year, I can be involved in so much more! I don't have to be worried about spending all my time with a guy. I have made so many more friends and I am really trying to pour myself into my bus kids. I plan to work really hard at school work and do the best I can.

All that to say this- Don't let anything distract you from serving the Lord! Break free (with the Lord's help) from anything in your life that is holding you back from being involved in ministries. There is such a sense of fulfillment and peace and joy when you know you aren't wasting time on temporal things but are investing time and money and energy into things that count for eternity and help prepare you for the future God has planned for you.
(And just in case it does happen to be a guy in your life that is distracting you... When the right one comes along, he won't distract you. He will encourage you and you will be able to serve the Lord TOGETHER! He won't be demanding of your time to the point that you neglect your responsibilities or neglect the Lord) (This is only recently getting through my thick head)

Well, I know it might not have made much sense but I hope it was a help to someone. I will try to post again soon and let you know some of the things I'm learning in school and in chapel. So stay tuned! :)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Glad to see you back to posting and that you are getting involved in other things at school. Miss you and love you! Mom