Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's about the little things

I feel like I have been drifting lately. Like I haven't been as close to the Lord. I'm hoping to get back to Him through my Bible reading and more serious prayer time. It honestly just comes down to "What do I want most?". If what I want most is to be close to God today then I will get out of bed in time to spend meaningful time with Him. (Sleep is my weakness here at college!) I should never give up what I want most for what I want right now (sleep). So I'm going to be working on that.
I had a convicting experience today....
I work at a daycare in the afternoons. My job is to help run the front desk. I am basically the right hand girl to the director. I do whatever she needs done which usually entails cleaning the facility, doing dishes, signing kids in and out, answering phones, filing paper work, moving kids from room to room, dealing with parents, tying shoes, wiping noses before the kids leave and helping parents find their children's jackets... a little bit of anything and everything. I get along very well with my boss. She is a very sarcastic person but we joke around a lot and (even though she would probably pretend she doesn't) she loves me. :)
She is not saved. One of my best friends, Rachel, works there with me and we have invited her to church and given her tracts but she claims she "already goes to church and reads the Bible and prays". There hasn't been the best opportunity to out-right witness to her yet. (Well there may have been opportunities but I haven't taken them) She knows that Rachel and I are different and she knows that we have standards but today I was very convicted about the "little things" in my life that may be a hindrance to her getting saved someday. For instance, she will ask me if I know a certain song and because I use to listen to that kind of music I do know it and I start singing it with her. And today, for some reason we started talking about scary movies and she said "I thought Christians weren't supposed to watch scary movies." It hit me hard. I didn't really have an answer. Then just a few minutes later, I called someone (a movie star) a retard. I have a habit of calling people stupid or idiots or retards which is totally not Christ like. My boss said "That wasn't a very Christian thing to say." Now, she was just kidding with me, but it really convicted me because once again I had no reply. It wasn't a very Christ like thing to say. There is also a girl at work who annoys me to no end with her bad attitude and on several occasions I have mentioned my annoyance with her to my boss. What a bad testimony! I should be handling that girl with love and patience. So anyways... I was really convicted just by those little things she said today. I really want to work on the way I talk and my attitude about things and also on being a testimony of how God brought me out of the old lifestyle I use to live with wrong music and movies, not pretend like I'm still living that way by singing those old songs and talking about movies.
Well, that's all for today but I already have another idea to talk about next so check back really soon. I may try to get on here Saturday night.
Keep your testimony with the lost in the forefront of your mind throughout everyday, in every decision that you make.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Good post. Wouldn't it be wonderful if living right all the time was easily done!?! I'm proud of you.