Friday, June 6, 2008

For the Youth director's kid

Hey there! I know it can be tough sometimes as a YPK (Youth Pastor's Kid). But here is what I learned... Your parents have a lot to deal with! They are just human (like you) and it goes a long long way if you will learn to be understanding of that. Another big thing is- learn to communicate! If you feel like your parents are pushing you aside to focus on the teens then talk to them about it (respectfully). If you have a problem, go to them with it.
If you are a teenager in your parents youth group, here is my advice... Don't expect special treatment. When you are at church, you are one of their teens and you are therefore, not exempt from the rules. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to have your parents as your youth workers. It's like you can never get away from them! And sometimes, it's actually the parents who have a hard time distinguishing between parent and youth worker. Instead of treating you like "one of the teens" they are too busy acting like your mom or dad. They will probably expect a little more out of you too (sometimes forgetting that you are still just a teen). Be patient and talk to them about it. That's the best thing you can do. And my personal opinion is that it's ok if you feel that you need to seek godly counsel from someone besides mom and dad (even though they are the youth workers) Just make sure it's godly counsel. Talk to your pastor or his wife or another trustworthy, godly adult in your church... but make sure you keep your parents informed about things and be willing to talk to them too. I think they need you to bring your problems to them sometimes. It builds a bond of trust.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How have you crammed so much wisdom in such a short time? Love ya!